Posted by: Mrs. HSH | January 7, 2012

On the Hunt

It never fails. As soon as I make a resolution to save more money, everything I’ve ever wanted goes on sale, no clearance! To top that off, my husband got a crazy idea in his head that he should buy a boat! Yes, a boat! What part of saving money does this all fit into?!

There is one item in particular that I’ve had my eye that is now a whopping 60% off. Ok, it was overpriced to begin with, but now it’s actually reasonably priced! I’m using every ounce of my will power to not go onto the web right now and click “purchase!” It’s the “Modern Windsor Accent Chair” by West Elm, originally $399, and now $160.

This is the scenario. We have an empty corner in the room we call the “nook.”


As you can see, it’s just screaming out for a nice chair, side table and maybe a reading lamp. I got it in my head that a Windsor chair would look amazing in this corner. Ever since I laid my eyes on this picture, I can’t stop thinking about Windsor chairs.


There’s something about the contrast of the black, rigid chair with a light and airy background. I just love it. However, I think I can find something cheaper than $160, although the West Elm chair is beautiful (and, I haven’t completely given up on it yet).  But for now, I’m on the hunt for a used, slightly worn Windsor that with a little TLC will clean up quite nicely.

I’m also in search of ways to convince Jon that a fishing boat is the last thing we need! Any ideas are welcome!


  1. It’s like a grown-up papasan chair!

  2. Yeah, and it was too big. ;-( So hard to find nice, comfortable, SMALL furniture!

  3. […] my last post about it, one of my co-workers almost had me convinced that I’d be saving more money if I bought […]

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